Tuck Chiropractic Clinics

Doctors, Dentist & Surgeons
- 620 N Main Street Suite 202 Blacksburg VA 24060
- (540) 951-6900
- (540) 951-8900
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Driving Directions:
Blacksburg Clinic - 620 N Main St, Suite 203, Blacksburg, 24060
Christiansburg Clinic - 2045 N Franklin St, Christiansburg, 24073
About Us
At Tuck Chiropractic Clinic, our mission is to provide high quality chiropractic care in order to facilitate healthier lives within the communities we serve. All new patients receive a complete exam and consultation. Doctors meet with patients one-on-one to review findings and discuss treatment plans. Our patients are always our priority, and we value communication. It is our commitment to make a significant, positive impact on the communities in which we serve. We strive to carry our message of health and wellness outside the walls of the clinics to community groups and worksite environments. Let us help you live a happier, healthier, and more active and pain-free life. Visit www.tuckclinic.com for details regarding services, our doctors, our clinics, and other resources. We're here to help! #feelbetterlivebetter
- Treating neck pain, back pain, headaches, and other musculoskeletal complaints
- Patient-focused, outstanding customer service
- Worksite wellness and other educational opportunities
- Committed to making a significant, positive impact on our community
- Most insurances accepted