Ribbon Cutting: New Hope Girls
Join us as we celebrate our member, New Hope Girls, with a ribbon cutting.
This event will take place at 1531 South Main St, Blacksburg, VA 24060, on Wednesday, October 2nd, at 12:00pm.
Please arrive prior to 12 PM and the ribbon will be cut promptly at 12:10 PM. All members are encouraged to sign the ribbon as a keepsake for New Hope Girls.
New Hope Girls is an anti-trafficking non-profit based in the Dominican Republic but with strong ties and representation in the New River Valley. Join both DR-based staff and their stateside team member, Caitlyn Scaggs, as they officially celebrate joining the chamber, the strong support they have within our community, and their efforts on all sides of the ocean to help young girls and women walk in freedom.
This ribbon cutting is happening within the event space of Annie Kays, in Blacksburg. Attendees are encouraged to bring a beautiful journal and/or a pack of girls underwear to donate to the non-profit. These two items are always needed by New Hope Girls as they welcome more girls into their Safe Homes and the healing journey begins.
Parking is available in the lot at Annie Kays, along the street, or behind Annie Kays in an overflow parking lot.
Guests will also have the opportunity to shop a variety of beautiful bags made by the adult women who are employed by New Hope Girls.
More details on the donation request:
The donated girls underwear is requested to be either "hipster" or "bikini" style in sizes ranging from 7/8 girls through young adult sizes (women's 6/8) - variety is always needed as New Hope Girls serves girls ages 2-20. When a girl is welcomed into their Safe Homes she is given a backpack with several items, which includes new underwear and a journal. The journal does not need to be a specific size or design.
Learn more about New Hope Girls at www.NewHopeGirls.com

Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 2, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
1531 South Main St, Blacksburg, VA 24060
This event is free to attend.