2023 Talk Derby To Me

Get ready for mint juleps and big hats!
Join us for our second annual Kentucky Derby Fundraiser. Heavy hors d'oeuvres provided. Cash Bar available. All proceeds benefit a local woman battling cancer.
Kentucky Derby attire recommended.
$25 per person. Tickets can be purchased at
Event sponsors include: Alacran, Mitchell Law Firm, American National Bank & Trust, and Dawn Myers Real Estate.
The Gaye Whitaker Memorial Fund is a 501c3 public charity whose mission is to support NRV women battling cancer.
$25 per person. Tickets can be purchased at
Event sponsors include: Alacran, Mitchell Law Firm, American National Bank & Trust, and Dawn Myers Real Estate.
The Gaye Whitaker Memorial Fund is a 501c3 public charity whose mission is to support NRV women battling cancer.

Date and Time
Saturday May 6, 2023
5:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
VT Corporate Research Center
Event Center
1691 Innovation Drive #1025 Blacksburg, VA 24060