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Awards for Business: The Statistics Behind Recognition

Awards for Business: The Statistics Behind Recognition

In the world of business, awards are more than just shiny trophies on a shelf—they represent credibility, trust, and a stamp of approval that resonates with customers, partners, and competitors alike. But what is the real value of an award nomination or win? Let’s dive into the statistics that demonstrate how impactful these accolades can be.

1. Credibility and Trust: 75% of Customers Prefer Award-Winning Businesses

According to a survey conducted by Harris Poll, a staggering 75% of consumers are more likely to choose an award-winning company over its competitors. In an age where trust is a key factor in consumer decision-making, awards offer tangible proof that a business excels in its field. Award nominations, even without a win, can have a similar effect, showing customers that your company is recognized by industry experts.

2. Increased Visibility: 70% of Businesses See a Boost in Publicity

Award nominations and wins often come with increased media coverage. 70% of businesses report receiving a significant boost in visibility after being recognized, according to research from Forbes. From local news outlets to industry publications, award announcements are a great opportunity for free publicity. Many businesses also leverage this moment by increasing their own marketing efforts, further amplifying their brand.

3. Employee Morale: 80% of Employees Feel More Motivated at Award-Winning Companies

Awards don’t just impact external perceptions—they can have a profound effect on the internal culture of a business. A survey by found that 80% of employees feel more motivated and proud to work for a company that has won industry awards. Recognition can lead to higher job satisfaction, increased productivity, and a lower turnover rate.

4. Sales Impact: 41% Revenue Growth for Award-Winning Companies

Research conducted by the British Quality Foundation (BQF) revealed that businesses that win awards see an average 41% increase in revenue compared to those that don’t. Awards enhance a company's reputation and act as a signal of quality, which can directly translate into sales growth. Customers are often willing to pay more for a service or product if they perceive it to be of award-winning quality.

5. Brand Differentiation: Standing Out in a Crowded Market

In competitive markets, award nominations and wins help businesses stand out. They provide third-party validation that reinforces your value proposition. Studies show that 68% of businesses report better brand recognition after receiving awards. This differentiation can be the deciding factor for consumers choosing between similar products or services.

6. Networking and Opportunities: Awards Open Doors

Winning an award can also unlock new networking opportunities. 45% of award-winning businesses report that they were able to establish new partnerships or collaborations as a direct result of their recognition. Many awards come with events, banquets, or ceremonies where business leaders gather, creating opportunities to connect with key players in your industry.

7. Conversion Rates: A 37% Increase in Customer Inquiries

Award nominations and wins not only build trust but also drive action. According to a study by Nielsen, businesses experience a 37% increase in customer inquiries after being recognized for industry excellence. This effect is even more pronounced when companies promote their nominations and wins through their own marketing channels, such as websites and social media.

8. Investor Confidence: 55% of Investors More Likely to Support Award-Winning Companies

For businesses seeking external funding, awards can signal to investors that the company is a worthy investment. 55% of investors are more likely to back businesses that have been nominated for or won awards, according to a report from Angel Investor Network. Awards show that a company is not only operationally sound but also innovative and poised for growth.

Awards as a Business Asset

While awards may seem like nice-to-have extras, the statistics clearly show that they can be a powerful business asset. From increased revenue and customer trust to employee satisfaction and new partnerships, the impact of award nominations and wins is undeniable. Whether you're gunning for a local business accolade or an industry-specific honor, the recognition could propel your company to new heights.

In a competitive marketplace, awards aren’t just about prestige—they are a tangible way to build your brand, increase visibility, and set your business apart from the competition. So, if you’re on the fence about pursuing award nominations for your business, the data speaks for itself: it's an investment that can pay off in more ways than one.


  1. Harris Poll. (2022). Consumer Trust in Award-Winning Companies. Retrieved from Harris Poll Insights
  2. Forbes. (2021). The Impact of Awards on Business Visibility. Retrieved from
  3. (2023). Employee Motivation and Company Awards. Retrieved from Research
  4. British Quality Foundation. (2022). Revenue Growth and Business Awards. Retrieved from
  5. Nielsen. (2021). The Power of Awards on Consumer Inquiries. Retrieved from Nielsen Insights
  6. Angel Investor Network. (2023). Investor Confidence and Business Awards. Retrieved from AIN Research

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