* 8:00 a.m. Check-in and breakfast
* 8:30 a.m. Program promptly begins
* 9:30 a.m. Program ends
Join your Chamber for a panel discussion! The topic of this month's Eggs & Issues will be "Federal Reserve Update".
Our speaker will be Tom Barkin. He is the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
Tom serves on the Fed’s chief monetary policy body, the Federal Open Market Committee, and is also responsible for the Richmond Fed’s bank supervision and the Federal Reserve’s technology organization. He is “on the ground” continually in the Fed’s Fifth District, which covers South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, D.C., West Virginia and Maryland. His engagement in the region has brought real attention to areas facing economic challenges.
Prior to joining the Richmond Fed, Tom was a senior partner and CFO at McKinsey & Company, a worldwide management consulting firm, where he also oversaw McKinsey’s offices in the southern United States.
Tom earned his bachelor’s, MBA and law degrees from Harvard University.
Admission: $30 Chamber Members $50 Non-Members
Space in limited and reservations are required by no later than Monday, August 25th at noon.
Register and pay online or contact m.smith@montgomerycc.org
The sponsor of this Eggs & Issues is Freedom First Credit Union.
Warm Hearth Village
2387 Warm Hearth Dr. Blacksburg, VA 24060
Tuesday Aug 26, 2025
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Warm Hearth Village
2387 Warm Hearth Dr. Blacksburg, VA 24060
$30 Members
$50 Future Members
Printed courtesy of www.montgomerycc.org/ – Contact the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
210 Laurel Street Suite B, Christiansburg, VA 24073 – (540)-382-3020 – Membership@montgomerycc.org