* 8:00 a.m. Check-in and breakfast
* 8:30 a.m. Program promptly begins
* 9:30 a.m. Program ends
Join your Chamber for a panel discussion and update on the topic of Comprehensive Planning with Montgomery Matters. Montgomery Matters will be discussing their community engagement efforts and goals for the comprehensive plan for the county.
A special thank you to our sponsor, First Bank and Trust for investing in this program.
Our panel will be comprised of a group of specialized individuals that will speak about the updates and field questions surrounding our topic.
Panel Moderator:
Brea Hopkins, CZA | CTM
Director of Planning and GIS Services - Montgomery County
Maeve Gould, AICP | ENV SP
Comprehensive Planner – Town of Blacksburg
Retta Jackson
Planning Director – Town of Christiansburg
Justin D. Sanders, AICP | CZA | CTM
Assistant Director of Planning and GIS Services – Montgomery County
Space is limited and reservations are required by no later than Wednesday, July 10th at noon.
Register and pay online or contact m.smith@montgomerycc.org
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Warm Hearth Village
2387 Warm Hearth Dr. Blacksburg, VA 24060
Admission: $30 Chamber Members $40 Non-Members
McKenna Campbell
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Printed courtesy of www.montgomerycc.org/ – Contact the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
210 Laurel Street Suite B, Christiansburg, VA 24073 – (540)-382-3020 – Membership@montgomerycc.org